Will real estate agents become obsolete as we know them?
As most of you know by now, the internet buying options allow you to shop for almost anything you can buy at a brick and mortar store without leaving the comfort of your couch. It provides endless selections with convenient delivery options, all at an unbeatable price. So effective have these internet shopping experiences become, that literality it is changing the complexion of retail sales across the globe.
Will real estate agents become obsolete as we know them?
Gone seems to be the need to touch or feel anything. With generous return policies, if what you have bought is not satisfactory… you simply return it in a self-addressed envelope included with the goods.
So… will everything be done this way? Are there industries insulated from this high-tech onslaught? As a real estate agent, I began to consider how today’s technologies are changing the real estate industry. I have concerns both now and moving forward.
Do you know what is…or is not, important to any given process?
Will real estate agents become obsolete as we know them? The answer to this question will likely depend largely on how indispensable each agent makes themselves. If they are content to become as order takers, not separating themselves from some online marketing entity with their drop-down menus of service, then the answer is most assuredly yes.
If on the other hand agents make themselves indispensable to the process by equipping themselves with advantaged information, local knowledge, relationships, and strategies/techniques that make them central to the success, then the answer is no!
Discount services with a certain degree of intangibles, generally means that you get “discount services that leave a lot out,”
My question to consumers is, do you know what is… or is not, important to any given process? Most know that in the business of real estate, there is an exposure to legal issues that can lead to real difficulties and even lawsuits. Be sure that you get advice that will facilitate a smooth and safe transaction! Trusting someone who is experienced, has a record of successful full-time real estate tenure with references, will augment your opportunity for success.
Often, I have found that discount services with a certain degree of intangibles, generally means that you get “discount services that leave a lot out,” if you catch my meaning. It is uber important that you get the whole story before falling prey to sub-standard services. Just remember… the most successful outcome is what hangs in the balance. If you get what you pay for…than be participatory in the process of discovery to understand what you are getting! Remember…if it quacks like a duck…