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The First Obstacle to Overcome in Real Estate

Chris Voss, a retired lead hostage negotiator for the FBI, said in a recent interview that “Fear is the most dominating factor in people’s decision making.” Buying or selling a home is a significant decision in one’s life, and we make better decisions when fear is absent. So, overcoming fear is one of the first obstacles you’ll want to work through as you prepare to buy or sell your home.

“Fear is the most dominating factor in people’s decision making.”

Some synonyms for fear are; angst, anxiety, concern, worry, dread, or doubt. Are you getting ready to buy or sell a home? Do any of those feelings come to mind? 

Do you find yourself asking questions like; where do I start? Who do I talk to? Do I just drive by looking for Real Estate signs and call the number of a home I might like? How much could I sell my home for? What online resources should I trust? These questions and so many more can lead to the whole idea of buying or selling a home feel just too overwhelming.

Chris Voss goes on in the interview to say that the best way to disperse, diffuse or dispel the negative emotion (Fear in our case) is to acknowledge it or call it out. Sometimes it’s hard to admit we have any of these negative emotions when we are getting ready to buy or sell a home, but it is absolutely understandable to have them. There are so many different aspects and people involved in just one Real Estate transaction. Every Real Estate transaction has buyers, and sellers who all have important wants and needs. Those buyers and sellers are often utilizing Realtors to help guide them through the process and to maximize value in the home. Add to those Realtors the Mortgage Lenders, Loan Underwriters, Escrow and Title Officers, Home Inspectors, Home Appraisers and more, there’s no wonder fear is a common emotion that wells up in the home buying/selling process.

there are some obstacles that are harder to overcome than others, but all obstacles can be overcome

With so many different people involved in the transaction, there is a high probability that something might go wrong in the process. It could be as simple as a missed signature on a form, something missed by an inspector, or poor communication but whatever the obstacle is, it can be overcome.

My hope is that you find a Realtor you trust, so they can help you overcome any fears you have as you walk through the home buying/selling process. If fear is the most dominant factor in decision making, and we know that we make better decisions when fear is absent than I encourage you to talk with your Realtor who can help diffuse those fears.

My wife and I have four kids who love watching NBC‚Äôs American Ninja Warrior. If there‚Äôs anything we‚Äôve learned from that show, it‚Äôs that there are some obstacles that are harder to overcome than others, but all obstacles can be overcome. May the process of buying or selling a home be a great delight to you as you overcome obstacles on your way to living or investing in just the right home for you. Fear not, my friends!


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